Salad concept?
If you’ve reached for a salad in a Belgian or French supermarket, you’ve most likely interacted with the brand Florette, a French company that specializes in the manufacturing of salads and fresh produce.
And like everything that is sold and paid for, there are months when even salads need an extra boost. Which is why Florette asked us to create a gift-with-purchase to keep consumers reaching for their daily dose of leafy greens.

The perfect salad accessory.
What pairs best with a bowl of fresh produce? A flavourful vinaigrette, that is! However, these delicious seasonings can be tough to carry without spillage (If you’ve ever tried to bring a salad to work, or school, you know what we’re talking about), which then inspired the ultimate salad-related goodie: an eco-friendly squeezer to carry your salad dressing on the go.
We got to work: from design to production and beyond, and even included the creation and printing of user manuals to go with each squeezer.
The Florette squeezer was –you guessed it—a huge success. With over 12,000 squeezers distributed, people liked getting a gift to facilitate the consumption of their salads on the go.
In fact, the squeezer was such a hit that Carrefour has even had to keep extra stocks of salad as they were quickly selling out!
The bottom line is: whatever your brand challenge, we can handle it.